



1.       1996.09~2003.03 河北工业大学化工机械专业,工学学士/硕士

2.       2003.03~2006.03 天津大学化学工程专业,工学博士

3.       2006.03-2009.09 天津大学化工学院,博士后

4.       2009.09~至今厦门大学化学化工学院化学工程与生物工程系,副教授

5.       2013.07~2014.07  The University of Texas at Austin,访问学者







1.       国家重点研发计划项目:石化污染场地强化多相抽提与高效净化耦合技术(子课题负责人)

2.       国家自然科学基金项目:热强化多相抽提过程中非水相液体在土壤--气界面迁移和去除机制的研究(项目负责人)

3.       国家自然科学基金主任基金:土壤中有机碳及微生物耦合作用机制(项目负责人)

4.       国家自然科学基金青年基金:地下水曝气(AS)过程中空气孔道分布及传质机理研究(项目负责人)

5.       福建省科技计划重点项目:苯甲酸酯化反应与精馏耦合技术研究(项目负责人)

6.       福建省自然科学基金项目,氮缺陷石墨相氮化碳纳米片用于光催化海水分解产氢研究(项目负责人)

7.       厦门市科技计划项目,3502Z20183009,畜禽养殖废弃物处理及资源化利用(项目负责人)

8.       福建省环保科技计划项目,2017R012,福建省石化行业土壤污染风险防控技术导则(子课题负责人)

9.       厦门市科技计划项目:PTA氧化残渣中苯甲酸酯化反应与精馏耦合强化处理技术的研发(项目负责人)

10.   福建省自然科学基金项目:地下水曝气去污机制及微氧气泡强化修复研究(项目负责人)

11.   福建省发改委项目:PTA氧化残渣生产环保型增塑剂二甘醇二苯甲酸酯(DEDB)的关键技术研发(项目负责人)

12.   国家自然科学基金重点项目:生物质还原法制备贵金属纳米颗粒及其催化剂的化学与工程基础研究(主要成员)

13.   国家973计划:生物甲烷系统中若干过程高效转化的基础研究(主要成员)

14.   其他化工分离领域横向项目二十余项。


1. Yuanqiong Liu, Jiajun Dai, Nan Liu, Yuexin Wu, Jiale Huang, Yanmei Zheng,* and Qingbiao Li* Oxygen-enriched biomass-activated carbon supported platinum nanoparticles as an efficient and durable catalyst for oxidation in benzene, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering2021.5

2.    Xiarong Zheng, Yuanqiong Li , Xiaobin Liu, Qingbiao Li, Yanmei Zheng,* A novel PVDF-TiO2@g-C3N4 composite electrospun fiber for efficient photocatalytic degradation of tetracycline under visible light irradiationEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 210:111866.

3.    Gen Li , Jiaming Huang , Niuniu Wang , Jiale Huang , Yanmei Zheng *, Guowu Zhan *, Qingbiao Li, Carbon Quantum Dots Functionalized g-C3N4 nanosheets as Enhanced Visible-light Photocatalysts for Water Splitting, Diamond and Related Materials, 2021, 108242

4.    Xiarong Zheng, Kuanhuai Wu, Pengju Sun, Siyu Zhouyang, Yuanpeng Wang, Haitao Wang, Yanmei Zheng , Qingbiao LiEffects of substrate types on the transformation of heavy metal speciation and bioavailability in an anaerobic digestion systemJournal of environmental sciences2021,361-372

5.    Xiarong Zheng , Yuanqiong Liu , Jiaming Huang , Zhongyi Du , Siyu Zhouyang , Yuanpeng Wang , Yanmei Zheng* , Qingbiao Li , Xiaolong Shen*, The influence of variables on the bioavailability of heavy metals during the anaerobic digestion of swine manureEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety,2020,195:110457.

6.    Heng Li, Zheng Chen, DunFu, Yuanpeng Wang, Yanmei Zheng* Qingbiao Li*, Improved ADM1 for modelling C, N, P fates in anaerobic digestion process of pig manure and optimization approaches to biogas production, Renewable Energy, 2020, 146:2330-2336.

7.    Zhongyi Du, Pengju Sun, Kuanhuai Wu, Xiarong Zheng, Xingfeng Zhang, Jiale Huang, Daohua Sun, Yanmei Zheng*, Qingbiao Li, g-C3N4-SiC-Pt for Enhanced Photocatalytic H2 Production from Water under Visible Light Irradiation. Energy Technology, 2019, 7: 1900017.

8.    Lu Li, Qiujie Wu, Kuanhuai Wu, Haitao Wang, Yanmei Zheng,* and Qingbiao Li. Experimental Isobaric Vapor Liquid Equilibrium for Binary Systems Diethylene Glycol Dibenzoate + Diethylene Glycol, Diethylene Glycol Dibenzoate + Octyl Benzoate, and Ternary System Diethylene Glycol Dibenzoate + Diethylene Glycol + Octyl Benzoate at 1.0152 kPa. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data, 2018, 63, 3823−3828.

9.    Qun Li, Lu Li, Xingfeng Zhang, Xiarong Zheng, Tareque Odoom-Wubah, Daohua Sun, Yanmei Zheng*, Jiale Huang, Qingbiao LiHydrothermal synthesis of Bi6O6(OH)3(NO3)3·1.5H2O/BiOCl heterojunction with highly enhanced photocatalytic activityCatalysis Communications2018107):53-56.

10.  Xingfeng Zhang, Qiujie Wu, Zhongyi Du, Yanmei Zheng*, and Qingbiao Li. Green synthesis of g-C3N4-Pt catalyst and application to photocatalytic hydrogen evolution from water splitting. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2018, ( 26) 10: 688–695.

11.  Tianyu Shang, Guangjing Feng, Qingbiao Li, Yanmei Zheng*. Production of graphene nanosheets by supercritical CO2 process coupled with micro-jet exfoliation. Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 2017, ( 25) 12: 691–698.

12.  Yanmei Zheng*, Guangjing Feng, Tianyu Shang, Weiwei Wu, Jiale Huang, Daohua Sun, Yuanpeng Wang, Qingbiao Li. Separation of biosynthesized gold nanoparticles by density gradient centrifugation. Separation science and technology,2017,52(5): 951-957

13.  Heng li Lanting Ke, Zhen Chen, Guangjing Feng, Dong Xia, Yuanpeng Wang, Yanmei Zheng*, Qingbiao Li, Estimating the fate of C and N in various anaerobic co-digestions of manure and lignocellulosic biomass based on Artificial Neural Network. Energy& Fuels, 2016, 30: 9490–9501.

14.  Qiangqiang Yu, Dong Xia, Heng Li, Lanting Ke, Yuanpeng Wang, Haitao Wang, Yanmei Zheng*, Qingbiao Li*. Effectiveness and mechanisms of ammonium adsorption on Biochars derived from biogas residues, RSC Advances,2016, 6: 88373-88381.

15.  Yangqing Zheng, Lanting Ke, Dong Xia, Yanmei Zheng*, Yuanpeng Wang, Heng Li, Qingbiao Li, Enhancement of digestates dewaterability by CTAB combined with CFA pretreatment. Separation and Purification Technology,2016,163,282-289

16.  Heng liFen Tan, Lanting Ke, Dong Xia, Yuanpeng Wang, Ning He, Yanmei Zheng*, Qingbiao Li. Mass balances and distributions of C, N, and P in the anaerobic digestion of different substrates and relationships between products and substrates. Chemical Engineering Journal,2016,287,329-336

17.  Xiaoer Chen, JingWang, TarequeOdoom-Wubah, XiaolianJing, JialeHuang, Qingbiao Li, Yanmei Zheng*. Microorganism-assisted synthesis of Au/Pd/Ag nanowires. Materials Letters, 2016,165,29–32

18.  Yanmei Zheng, Yingling Hong, Weiwei Wu, Daohua Sun, Yuanpeng Wang, Jiale Huang,Qingbiao Li. Separation of different shape biosynthesized gold nanoparticles via agarose gel electrophoresis. Separation and Purification Technology, 2015,151,332-337 





Email: chem.eng@xmu.edu.cn Tel: +86 (0)592 2183751
Copyright Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Xiamen University,all rights reserved.