
Photo-induced Charge Carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors for Solar Energy Conversion

讲座人:杨晔 博士
时  间:4月15日(周五)上午10:00
地  点:卢嘉锡楼202报告厅


    杨晔博士,2008年于中国科学技术大学本科毕业,2013年在美国Emory大学获得博士学位。现于美国可再生能源国家实验室进行博士后研究工作。主要从事半导体材料中光致载流子超快动力学过程研究,发现并解释了一些关于光致载流子在半导体内部传输和界面转移的物理现象,对发展太阳能电池和太阳能光解水等应用起到了重要的推动作用。首次观测到半导体电极表面的二氧化钛修饰层对光电转化动力学的影响,建立了探测电极界面电荷转移的新方法。在Science,Nature Photonics,Nature Communications,Nano Letters,JACS等国际权威杂志发表论文20余篇(其中第一作者论文10篇),被引用600余次。

      Photovoltaic devices based on semiconductors operate by capturing photons from sunlight and converting the solar energy into electricity or chemical fuels. Photons with energy above the semiconductor bandgap create charge carriers—negative electrons and positive holes. The electron and hole are separately collected at the two electrodes to produce electric current or chemical fuels. This talk focuses on the dynamics of these charge carriers in the bulk of semiconductors or at heterojunctions to further understand solar energy conversion processes and investigate next generation conversion processes for higher efficiency devices. In the first part, I will focus on understanding carrier dynamics at the junction between a semiconductor electrode and an amorphous TiO2 layer, and the result uncovers the beneficial roles of amorphous TiO2 in the energy-conversion process. In the second part, I will discuss the carrier dynamics in emerging semiconductor materials for the next generation solar cells. 

Email: chem.eng@xmu.edu.cn Tel: +86 (0)592 2183751
Copyright Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Xiamen University,all rights reserved.