
Single-Molecule Optoelectronics: Laser-Driven Electron Transport in Molecular Junctions


Liang-Yan Xu(许彦良博士)普林斯顿大学博士后
报告时间:2015年12月 29日(下周二)下午14:30-16:30
报告地点: 卢嘉锡楼202报告厅

Abstract: Laser is a promising control tool for operating ultrafast electronic devices due to a wide variety of options such as field strength, frequency, and polarization. In this talk, first, I will introduce several key concepts in electron transport in a time-periodic (ac) field such as photon-assisted tunneling and coherent destruction of tunneling. Derived from a scattering model using single-particle Green’s functions together with non-Hermitian Floquet theory, the method can be applied to investigate coherent quantum transport through a single-molecule device based on phenyl-acetylene macrocycle and cross-conjugated systems in a linear polarized laser field. In a two terminal system, we proposed a new type of optoelectronic switch which utilizes photon-assisted tunneling and destructive quantum interference. The large on-off switch ratios and weak-field operation suggest the possibility of constructing a single-molecule optoelectronic switch. Moreover, several new concepts such as "current-laser frequency characteristics", "current-field amplitude characteristics", and "current-polarization angle characteristics" will be introduced in this talk. The investigation opens up a new direction for exploring single-molecule optoelectronics.

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Email: chem.eng@xmu.edu.cn Tel: +86 (0)592 2183751
Copyright Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Xiamen University,all rights reserved.